How I Got Here
About Me
Born and raised in Smithtown NY, an hour east and a million miles away from Manhattan, Ellen was an avid reader from the start. Perhaps following the example of her mother who averaged a book a day, young Ellen preferred the company of books over people
At fifteen years old, she lied about her age to attend the Outward Bound School: Hurricane Island. Rock climbing, sailing for days at a stretch and spending half a week alone with only a fire kit, water and a plastic tarp, she returned home with a valuable life lesson: “Failure is not the end. Those who love you don’t stop because you failed. Failure gives you the opportunity to try again, or start a new path.”
Thanks to a high school English teacher who served a literary feast of the classics, modern lit and Shakespeare, Ellen fell in love with the written word. Carrying that love to Molloy College to study philosophy, history and political science,ans literature, and earn her B.A., then on for her Masters from LIU C. W. Post. Her journey finally concluded at Touro College: Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law School, and then passing her bar examination. Ellen practices law by day while continuing her linguistic love affair in her free time.
Ellen credits early internet chat rooms on AOL, Yahoo and Netscape and the birth to fan fiction that gave anyone with a story, a platform, and encouragement, to share it. Within a year or so of this new medium, an entire new universe opened up introducing writers like SX Meagher, LJ Maas, and Lori L. Lake, Radclyffe, Karen Kallmaker, KG McGregor and many others. Soon, mainstream, popular lesbian fiction could be found easily.
A decade later, thanks to the encouragement of others in the online community, Ellen wrote a full length novel and posted it online for all the world to see. The communities of online writers and readers was welcoming and warm, the feedback exceptional.
And now, after editing, re-editing, and re-re-editing, that story, Safe Haven, is being published by Desert Palm Press and with an expected release date in Fall 2019.The culmination of her dream is coming true.